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Geopolitical Issues

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Pakistan’s Secret Deal: China’s Military Base at Gwadar

Pakistan’s Struggle Between Superpowers: Navigating a Precarious Position Pakistan is currently trapped in a complex geopolitical struggle involving the United States and China, two rival...

India’s Governance Crisis: The Seven Sisters in Turmoil

India’s Inability to Govern Its Own Borders: The Northeast Crisis India’s northeastern border, long neglected, remains a volatile region. Known as the "Seven Sisters," these...

UAE’s Greed in Sudan: Gold and War Intertwined

Foreign Powers Profiting from Sudan’s Conflict The conflict in Sudan, which began in April 2023, has drawn in a number of foreign powers, each seeking...

Egypt Escalates Conflict with Ethiopia Through Somalia Deal

Egypt's Strategic Play in Somalia: Escalating the Conflict with Ethiopia Egypt has implemented a new security pact with Somalia, sending troops to work alongside their...

How America’s Rise Dismantles France’s African Rule

September 12, 2024 The Fall of French Influence and the Expansion of American Power in Africa For over six decades, France maintained control over its former...

China Faces Global Competition in Africa

China’s Strategic Shift in Africa: Growing Global Competition China’s involvement in Africa has undergone significant changes in recent years. Once dominating the continent with large...

India’s Race for Critical Minerals in China’s Shadow

India's Mineral Dependency and the Challenge of Competing with China India is aggressively pursuing self-sufficiency in key industrial sectors, especially those reliant on critical minerals....

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